The Eternal Dance Of Sense and Soul
Tim Carrette
January 2010
Is not love that which flows through all hearts?
Whilst they play out the dances of Maya?
And is not faith a knowing from deep in our soul
That they both lead to the same place……eventually?
And is not this eventual place actually, Now?
Once upon a time “I” held a belief
“I” swallowed a truth not mine
That unless” I” cast aside “my” joys
No fruits and no harvest will ever be
Now “I” is in the hands of fate
Let eternity be its only design
There is no reality “I” can define
No ways of untold dreams
A healing wind has blown this face
And the maya masks have slipped a little
To respect the way of all things
As they teach this way to be
“I am” is a tiny part of Sacred Mystery
“I” am is a truth on its own
“I am” is not only the “I” from which “I” seems to speak
But also the speech, the spoken and the spoken too.
“I am” is beset by the mystery
Grasping at forms to create
Exactly which call am “I” responding to now?
Stay with the mystery
Hunt for the symbol
Notice my hunger
Stare into the fullness of space
Wait a while
Then notice still more
Emerging ceaselessly
Deeply embrace ………. All is everything.
This “I” calls upon vagrants of wonder
To release the “me” from this prison of dreams
Where roundabouts swing in confusion
And life is a little less than it seems.
Contempt, oh beautiful contempt
For all but it’s most exceptional
I know calls for responses
And ask only for delivery.
There is a gift, a presence an art
Ripe young virgins playing at tarts.
Relax into the heavens of immortal bliss
Laughing for the recovery of yesterdays kiss.
Laughing at insanity speaking out loud
Preaching morality from behind a cloud.
A clown I am in professional disguise
Looking from nowhere into otherness eyes.
Wine by the gallon submerged with intent
My childhood lost, my spontaneity spent.
Knock at my door you’ll never get in
Some have tried, some, no, most gave in.
At last I cries tears of jest
Complaining that mortality is a test
This body, this bed, this poor heart beating
Dreaming of unforgiving meetings
Swallows move swift
Swifts must swallow
Life seems like drudgery
Empty and hollow
Bees make wax, honey and death.
Life is a prison death the threat of ownership
Don’t talk like this put a smile on your face
Your bleeding heart speaks words of disgrace
SO WHAT ! I shout at the preacher in the storm
God damn your puny morality roar.
Life is life,death and neither
Death is death , life and both
There is only this unknown journey of bliss.
First the pulpit then the meat
Now the lion and then the cheat
Don’t forget nobody really knows
What the wind is or where the wind blows
Grandeur and splendor are temporary glimpses
Of a game I play called princess and princes
Reality bites and costs heavy thunder
Destroys dreams of hope and wonder
Enough, enough of this transient talk
For there is a no certainty beyond illusion
No truth beyond truth
Listen in each moment
To a deeper truth
Listen with all your heart
Move beyond proof
Yes, this moment is all there is
And even if its painful, pain is bliss
“Pain is bliss”, what crap, crap you talk
when you move beyond thought
For pain, yes, pain is a part of it all
From the tiniest feeling to the largest fall
It moves as do you, I and the rest
Stay with it, live it
For “it” stays just as long as “it” needs
And leaves only when “its” time.
A story:
Young Christian hands strangled a me
Purple cloaks hid my fear
This beingness lost in promises of blue horizons
Trapped in the journey of the absolute.
Hidden figures lurk in very grey buildings
Musty old smells in pew ridden stalls
Glorified mixtures, celebratory madness
And covert messages that resign you to hell
Fires of blood and lost illusions
Screams of torture penetrate
Tears on the alter, no chalice for mine
Good and bad immortally defined.
Gods indoctrinated empire of fools
Brainwashed choirboys, pretty clean smiles
Under their cassocks they fondle their joy
And messages seep through to damn this boy.
Animal freedom caught in a snare
False smiling old ladies and their tea-party care
Floating souls float far away
Dancing on graves at midnight masturbating moonlight
There is no escape from theological rape
Where new ideas become satanic fears
Souls who leave bleed and bleed
Emancipated only by their freedom
Congregational chanting, obedient bliss
Preaching the morality of the absent kiss
Making love with visions of redemptious messiahs
Void only of myself and my earthly desires.
This whole Cosmic show is all there is for tea
This whole Cosmic show is you, everyone and me.
This whole Cosmic show may drive you round the bend
And look, look at what is around the bend
It’s the whole Cosmic show again
There is no end.
But wait I’ve found it there is an end
This whole cosmic show has messages to send
Messages, what messages are these?
They are those that tell you to live as you please.
To live as I please I can’t surely do that
For I am a rat and I am racing in fear of the cat
You are the cat, the rat and the whole god dam race
You dress as you wish covering your original face
This original face of primordial emptiness
Once recognized as such is not such a test
Just living as fun and death for a rest
This whole cosmic show is deity blessed
Yes deity blesses all that there is
It is the spirit in forms that is total bliss
Now what sort of person writes all this crap?
Well that question comes from a destructive chap
The chap of chaos who disowns his pride
And takes only order to be his bride
This person is you when owned and accepted
And these are the words that you have selected
Words that have come from deep in your soul
From the place in you that is totally whole
That place where you know you and I are one
The place where life and death have always begun
Right here and now that is all there is
This whole cosmic show is just show bizz!
I met a beautiful mermaid whilst upon a rock I slept. With a kiss I awoke as she gently spoke:
“ I come with words of guidance,
for your journey is your quest,
your wanting is timely and our meeting an indication that you are indeed ready to explore the depths of the oceans of love.
You cannot go totally alone.
You must go with someone who can hold your hand without touching it and touch your heart through the grip of your hand.”
Then she slipped back into the sea leaving only a poem and a love-fetish.
Caught in a vibration between moon and sun,
A rainbow spectrum of colours,
The earth spins a life.
You will find love where light and dark converge,
Where nothing and everything combine,
To bring body and spirit alive.
Then in a flickering light,
In the ebb and flow,
Then in the opposite attracting distraction,
Beneath the light of the balanced dance of immaculacy.
You will see light lighting up light,
Raw spirit meeting raw earth.
For she is found in the way
The moon moves the tides
Regardless of the sun.
It is felt, she creates all tears,
She is held in the warm moments of a flame,
Blown in the freedom of a breath,
And is heard only in the words
Of sounds that taste like
The lingering smell of her kiss.
Welcome to the royal chamber of exaltation
Where tiny princesses dance in flowing frocks
And meditating Buddha’s sit still beneath rocks
Amidst the cascading memory of beautiful nymphs
This is the home of fairy tale castles
Whose pastel colours invite the strangest of folk
If you look for too long they turn to stone
Half seen by children dripping magically to bone
Strange creatures hanging from ceilings
Small trees growing from their heads
Echoing birdsong too quick for mine
Pools of deep beauty disappearing sublime
Sunrays beat down on rippling waters
Reflected on mossy rocks flickering half quarters
Oh magical places of celestial realms
My dreamlands in wake time overwhelm
Blackbird on white snow
Together the icicle sun melts my knowing
Hide,young methodicals, hide from your own volition
Question all that your spirit does not flee from
For all is everything that ever shall be
A moment that I can play tricks with
An illusion I have given chase to
So listen with your ultimate embrace
Caress with immortality
That which sweetens infinite palates
Run through rhythmic waters
A time left to trickle by
Beneath hardened skies
Before vast oceans
Lie creations upon creations
Life forms, forming destructions
All that is not wise is wisdom
Tombs of aforementioned bliss
No longer do I write as though I am separate from my writing
I write ,as much as these words call my pen across this paper
I think not unlike the shapes and patterns of my thoughts as they carve out their nature,
Breeding their culture upon cultures
I wriggle and writhe the separation game.
Everybody else plays along, insistently
Before me ebbs and flows chaos
Whilst I enjoy the continuity of chaotic rhythms
Once enjoyed curiously addicted
Bred to flee pain
Told I’m not to enjoy the pleasures of rain upon skin
I do not listen perhaps I was not meant to really
Only to the echoes of a pattern that is fading, faded with mercy.
And so breath breathes through breath
Heart beats upon heart
One thing leads to another
Voids become creations, white turns to black.
Sun and wind dance upon skin
Opening and closing games and patterns revolving
Thoughts comfort systematically molding an order
A rich rhythm giving way only so far and then the crunch and another one appears.
Curves curving, up and down
Textures bursting into difference
Difference upon difference becomes a similarity
Nestled in congress
Commonly chanted opinion
One that is externally sought after
Separation calls for connection
As much as connection wants to break free
Here is a flow
Here is a contrast
Here is another contrast
Here is another flow
I impregnate my soul with the temptation of humanity
With an inseparability of glossy realms
Tired with insomnia I call my death to sleep
Beneath my stars hang variety moons
My rockiness plays with my oceanic impatience
Dancing smooth flow licking glugs into human ears
Its inappropriate to laugh at consistency
As though there is an imbalance to be found
Grace weaves her soft horizons
Motionless through moist thighs
Advancing ceaselessly annoying old angels
God knows why
There but for going sake go I
Into the caverns of time
The rich anticipation of a place unknown
Contrived and intentionally sublime
The sun seats are sighing
The bow sheep are blind
Frolic in the hay day of denial
Answer the way I do when I smile
She is over there my mythology,
My beauty and beast combined
Hiding from compromise
Tickling young vermin
Staying all alone , reading on the phone
Messages from the sages
Sent throughout all ages
Of a time spent together
Of a balance not yet known.
Take the sun from my legs for they are burning
Take time from life’s equation and settle yearning
Take request as a rich proceeding
Leave only devils dullness near to bleeding
Sip thy merry froth
For all is teaching
Meet my every blocked out reasoning
People scream alas for meaning
Still I know that Iam teething
Sprouting in earnest, darling young earth turning.
Cicadas warmth and birdsong breeding
Tiny young Greek voices
Void of meaning, for me I lay
In eternal misleading
Hanging out over an aimless precipice
For the young to be discouraged and the old to dismiss
Eating the youngest of fruits
And summer is still burning
Its way through the human heart
Along the strengths of soul’d illusion
Get out and get with it , the preachers cry
Trading teeth and eyes for fairness
In riches for splendor your royal amour decries
The mystical knowledge of flowers and flies
Until all resolved is bitten with ice
Smarting unusual , God’s only price
One last chance to save our earth
From eternal decay , merriment and mirth
Tomorrow will be too late, too late by far
A wasp that can sting is best kept in a jar
Doors that are open should not always be entered
Precaution prevents events last lamented
Only a lonely soul wanders free
Tis a pleasure for a moment
And what more does the explicit domain
Arch a calculated breath of inspirational guise
An immortal and invisible divine surprise
Two streets are crowded, a third is resigned
To the battleground prices
Of fairies playgrounds
Beneath the still waters
Lie stiller waters too
Where blues cut across purples
And days daze amuse
Bird flies heading into flock
Tired child’s foot in comfortable sock
Sleep poor misery, sleep through the war
Pretend that all’s well and well are the all
Try listening to people only with your ears
Collapse yourself into tears upon tears
Shed all that you can
Collect a little less you try
There are some willing to help
Others willing to die
I on the otherhand know both ways as much
Go either or either and still stay in touch
With nothing and everything
All in one go
With stillness and quiet
With warmth and with glow
How do I finish when finish is not yet
Prey too that you also get caught in my net
Pages and pages of poetic verse
Pour through my heart and head for thought
From where do you come
Young stirrings now “mine”
Are you immortal, humane or divine?
As crazy as it is to ask for an answer
I still allow my curiosity to dance
To dance the great dance
Of lesser known dancers
Where a movement stirs through me
A glance taken lightly
Part of it all, part all-mighty
Contained in this seed that is sown
Spread in delight
Mysteriously woven as if it were right
And I know so little about the river that flows.
And yet I know everything that comes and goes
Still pouring inky thoughts
Still weaving heartfelt lines
Stuck for a moment, music is time
No, she said and then faded into forever
Bedridden consequences, chastity yawns
Kings are the queen’s mildest pawns
Smoky laid wreaths
Bonnets forlorn
Eyes heavy, worries drawn
To you I say no sorrow and sorrow is born
Hand in hand, breast contented
Pain is written though entertained by magicians
Mask wearing weasels
Who ignore the wisdom
Of an hour’s meditative contemplation.
I do not enjoy being clothed in your cities
Cemented fear mazes masking vulnerability
Still I trust in my rhythms enough
To enjoy my evolution of which you are a part
I do not fear death and destruction
I do not need any faith
For I move beyond comfort by not knowing
This temporary dis-ease is a guide
A harmonious pinnacle of pride
I know you love me really
When your storm has ceased
you can let yourself go gently into sleep
Amid distant thunder skies
Beyond surety disguise
Outstanding whispers of immaculate time
Racing onward proceeding forward into now
We needed our war these two parts of I
Wholly improbable though cast aside
Now we call each other together
As we have done many times before
Glory to mountainous reason
Seasonally adjusting rhythms
You have taken nothing from me that is not yours already
I give you everything in return
Part of journeying together is divisive
Blood on rich earth
Tears in the wind
Steady and surefooted we marched
Into the chambers of exaltation
Whose hairy mounds
Dripped in anticipation
“What is it that you want?” cried the royal guards of protection
Before they flew off into oblivion
I knew then of my invitation
And packed my solid horse without pretence
I saw before me a great majestic unfolding
And could already taste the sweet juices of her temple
It was then that I felt her calling
Intuitively I entered slowly at first
Pulse beating heart breath
Softness of breast
I drink at her temple, Goddess milk
Symbolically swallow in unison
Faster now, horses canter
Meadows upon meadows
Baron fields and fertile seeds
I plant them all
A million small fishes, swim oceans
Rocks and crevices
I pause for the longest of moments
Soften my glare
Warm my loins
Until the sucklings sound a seperation once more
And I wander physical aloneness in flesh
Oh sea, I know not what moves you
What forms your shingling movements along shorelines
I have heard it is the moon
Though I care not to hear further explanation
Content as I am to know of the connection
Soft wetness and home to many forms
Rocks and crevices support and shelter
Because you too are prone to be wild
Your rough play takes life, oh gentle giant
Still I like your spirit, your essence
It is the part of me which groans
Whistling through your mists
Hiding your oceanic treasures
You are alive, your heart is an earth pulse
Your storms are your childhood rage
Your sunsets are meditative and blue
In your honesty I will visit you
From time to time over many years
For once I lived with you
And one day will return, if only for a while.
We’re lonely buggers, us poets
Desperately seeking acknowledgement
Please see me, hear me, feel me
If you like you can buy a tiny portion of me
Let us entwine a while
May I caress your heart
Emotionally entice you
For it is a lonely world
And in these quiet moments we may meet
A gentle hold
Another beautiful.
This “I” speaks words of a future not wholly mine
An echo or symbiotic tie
Each touch not made when wanted
Each invasive presence of hand
Echoes in a time unwanted
Discordance, unconcious, sublime
Were I not to take my place
In your heart as a condition of grace
Then what? Then who?
I know this call to fatherhood
To be a response
Of immense importance
An evolutionary force from my soul depths
Where I already know you as mine
There is no river of blood
No genetic import
This is something beyond pure earthy physicality
This is heart calling heart
Beating a feeling in rhythm
There is no clear alter of form
No more a spiritual truth than, what is
Is meant to be
In response by respect
For a tiny unique form
Carving a star amongst stars in this galaxy of ours
A connection we pretend we don’t know .
“Death is nothing at all”
Death is no-thingness at the mercy of the all.
Iam the I in all of you.
The you in all I’s (eyes)
This room, the next room,all rooms
Contain a sense of what was
Something always remains unchanged.
I will call you by all names
And speak to you as I see fit.
Difference may travel through my love
Occasionally with the face of solemnity and sorrow.
My laughter, play and smiles indeed
My whole life is a prayer to you.
In that way you shall never leave the house of my soul.
Speech without effect
Is the ghost and the shadow of loving forms
“Life means all that it ever meant”
Nothing, except that which is
Created in each moment.
This will always be so.
“Absolutely unbroken continuity”. All is flow.
Death is no accident , it is negotiated
By greater powers than the individual.
The correlation of mind and sight
Have always been only part of the equation.
There is no need to wait
For that which is already here.
No intervals or corners exist
In God’s holy land.
“All is well” is only one way
of looking at the whole.
Death enables us to see this.
Death is a gift of spirit
Painfully difficult to behold.
(Written in memory of my Mother,
Susan Carrette)
Immaculately poisoned self dragons
Eager to implant their way
Lonely creatures on the edge of a knife
A life leaking away
So are all impenetrable sources
Contained within the light
Brighter than either wasp determination
And succinctly appointed by mood
May all young beings eventually turn
Turning slowly inside out
Bitten by this strange desire to emerge
Always out of chasms
Next young men turn fist
And women shriek in bliss
Noise amongst the caverns
Toil will endeth blight
Another parade some time shared out
At last the meaning swine
Spoils immaculate
Then a voice transcends infinity
Into another form you go
Into another jail I go
Only to be freed into new lands
Born again with each last breath
Stay close, stay melting memories
Fades another day
Lately I only feel the mystery
I know I am unknowable.
Can you be brave enough?
To contemplate the void
To stare into nothingness
Until you become nothingness
Stay until there is no more or less
Reach beyond implication
Touch only perfect imperfection
Glorious bliss
Watch as bliss melts into chaos
As the separation chiefs
Yield only a beginning
An event captured within time
A line in the middle of boundarylessness
Touch a perceptive possibility
Maybe , just maybe
There is more than otherness
Steady under foot
Choose carefully each new place
Knowing that deeply, heart beats
Birdsong dancing grace
Eventually all unfolds
To behold the opposite
Eventually all is told
To children, softly
A single dewdrop
Rests on mourning flower
Born from the death of night
Miraculously set alight
By the birth of new creation
Day rings exaltation
Sacred celebration
Of the earthly divine
Subliminal expectations
Echo in the chorus of time
Distracting me from
The pleasant peace contained within a moment
Relaxing me into everything
To a place I know well
Some call it heaven some call it hell
I say it is neither bell nor sound
But the curious way the two penetrate oblivion.
The silver birches hung well that Autumn
Silently dropping old leaves on young heads
Oblivious child follows life’s dream
Anxious mother occasionally sees
Beauty for all it really is
Ugly grotesque magnanimous
Dark comparable backgrounds
From which we see the light.
Iam beset by the mystery
Grasping at forms to create
Exactly which call am I responding to now?
Stay with the mystery
Hunt for the symbol
Notice my hunger
Stare into the fullness of space
Wait a while
Then notice still more
Emerging ceaselessly
Deeply embrace ………. All is everything.
O perfect mystery of untold worlds
Whose gifts manifest all beauty
May I offer you eternal blessings?
May all your fears fade in mists of glory
You who are one to all things
Creative, divine, immortal, sublime,
And whose depths are known to few
And whose jewels are but a blessed dew on this mossy carpet of mine
Alas does Shiva weep tears of forgiveness
For all those who have trespassed
For all those who have betrayed
By their deeds many hearts have closed
Yours is a forever way
Forever surrendering to the gifts of vulnerability
Yielding moist passions
Opening with blissful intent
It is the way of all hearts to open,
Rhythmically within Goddess time
Synchronistic ally hearts drip Love juices,
Trickling their way,
Through the celebratory caverns of timeless Yoni
I bow to you dear Shakti
I worship at your temples
And drink celestial juices from your shrine
Consciously we are entwined within the ecstatic energy of the divine.
This most celestial of plants
Eased himself open once more
Shimmering rays of summer sun
turning dewdrops into pearls
on petal lips
He knew she was close by.
Every cell of his being felt her heavenly vibrations.
Within the cosmic dualism of all energies
He stood proud
Awaiting this most universal of dances
Flowers are the sexual organs of plants
They serve only the divine
The Bee Goddess needs her pollen
For how else is she to share the richness?
Of her sweet, sweet rhythm
Suddenly there she was, calling beyond all callings.
Radiant, magnificent, translucent.
From her high priestess seat perusing eternal choices.
Near, so near her vibrations echo as her sweet perfume fills my heart.
Gone, gone again.
Oh so far away into choruses of mad oblivion.
Then Great God of Holy orders,
her ecstatic nibbles penetrate.
I surrender my humble offerings
To this most hallowed of moments
Moist and enthralling she entices me into her ethereal chambers
I celebrate all that there is
Oneness, Advaita, Tao, Bliss
Perhaps I knew she wouldn’t stay
Although she fleetingly revisited
Perhaps this is my way to share in all my splendor
Earthly divinities with those who travel the skies?
Until wilted I die knowing ineffably of my eternal rebirth.
Still I wonder about the way of the Bee Goddess.
Her way is the freedom of the skies,
The temporary union and eventual demise
All for the Love of honey
Still I wonder how little she knows of my ways
Of staying firmly planted in Mother Earth
To lie in stillness, is-ness
and the forever faith of the seasons
Slowly I move
Gentle my surrender
Drawing subliminal juices from Mother Earth
with the continual blessing of Father sky
I too am a Bee Goddess
You too a celestial flower
All is one in God’s wholly empire
Many are our ways
When opened all parcels
Contain the same gift
Love in many guises
Don’t criticize my form
Notice this
Love like water follows the path of least resistance.
So let the winds blow through me
may such subtle instruments of Divinity
play my tune
I know no such place as the still calm waters of my soul
For all that I am is a breath of God
Heralded by mixed illusion
Seen clearly by the hills,
the sheep,
and the rich majesty of natures perfection
Perfect only in its absolution of all things
Deaths dance carries mission highways
soul descendants of lost times
Creative impulses
stolen from memories
of a destiny yet untold
Hallowed be the name of the Gods
Be they grass or stone
seen or held
Tis the light I follow
tis the dreams that guide
tis this blessed journey
and its milestones of truth realisation
That is, is here
carefully turning each page
Singing softly into each open heart
Touching all beings
with the immensity of Love
Loving all beings thoroughly Divine.
Is it you who dances so freely in the moonlight?
Is it your hands that caress my naked truth?
Is it our hearts that split amidst simple reason?
Is it our child we hold above the emotional precipice of calamity?
And who will catch us in our fall?
Who will hold us tight to earthen breast?
Whilst we cry the tears of the madness clowns
The ones who laugh at love
and who destroy the safety balms
whilst the hell fires roar
and we gaze upon
the needlessly slaughtered lamb
of our petrified innocence.
This is the stream
that carries the water of life
and these are the winds that blow soft love
through fearful hearts
And this is the earth
upon which I lay
As we stoked the fires
of creation play
As yours is the womb
of our unborn child
When tomorrow reveals its chaotic rhymes
And so where is the path that takes us home?
Where is the valley
where pure truth stands alone?
And how will we know it when we arrive?
And which journey is to become my sacred bride?
Upon whose breath shall I pour my wine?
When the unknown lives
beyond all time
Love is a beast
of which we all want a piece
It cannot be stolen
It cannot be grasped
For it can slip away so very fast
A stranded ship without a mast
Upon whose waters we all set sail
Love boats are so very frail
Only the ocean stands the test
For it knows the rhythms beyond
worst and best
It knows that ebb and flow
still dance
both sides of this sacred romance
Love lost and found
is just a veil
upon which oceans we set sail
No wonder we live
No wonder we die
No wonder there is you
No wonder for I
No wonder
No wonder
no wonder.
The universe is far stronger
than idle wishes
She weaves
Serenity fabrics
soul to soul
She weaves
heart connections
that take us home
Why then do we persist with idle chatter?
Why then act as if
your tiny particle life view
even matters?
Because each tiny particle is but a stitch
that holds wholeness together
and through which love rides
Forever cascading
through the immortal halls
of innocent wishes
If as they say
it is through pain we grow
Why then so little do we know?
Why are we not masters of bliss?
Who touch equanimity
when blessed with a young child’s kiss
Because then the ceaseless game of hide and seek
would be over
and the Divine masters
would roar with laughter
forever and ever
Essences plays and dances upon soul routes
Hiding potential certaintanty ,Divine
Seeking beyond moments creating a mine
Only love knows what is true
Only love knows what to do
Dance this dance
Love this love
For this love is all love, softly disguised
Touch only bliss
Speak all that is
Unweaving our way back home to now
Past loves are in the past stories,
Love Now
There is no harm
Eyes full of wonder words full of charm
Future loves are future stories
Love Now
Independent of form
Eyes full of wonder, hearts torn
When the love that you love seems to fade
Is it only out of dreams that its made?
Is Love not the fuel for all dreams?
Endlessly still and more than it seems
As the essence is continuously replayed
Essence precedes form.
Form becomes essence.
The addiction of pleasure
The order of special ness.
pleasure is such a soft gain
delighting in difference appreciates same
a heart without a body
leaving love ashore
Essence precedes form
Form becomes essence.
The attraction of pain
The disorder of nothingness
pain is such a deep gain
disgusted by indifference manipulating same
body without a brain
love without a door
Essence is form
Form is essence.
luminous equilibrium
The order-less everything
That contains the order
All is given and taken away
The different parts of the same
Feeling body thoughts
Grounded in a love that.... soars upon rapture..
Beat Zen-Anything-goes
The anchorless ship has no bay
It is blown by the winds of formlessness
Day after day
Floating on and on not knowing any ground
There are no ears to hear this soundless sound
No form to mould this clay less life
No cake to be cut, no hand, no knife
Soon even the wood and sails deplete
Dis-integrate beneath weary feet
Soon this body can swim no more
Soon the ocean swallows up this form
Square Zen-Nothing-moves
So set this ship ashore, set it rigid, set it tight,
For we cannot risk the oceans play for fear of similar plight,
We must nail down that which moves
For movement implies risk
We must forever stay by our words
For without them we are lost
Lost in words, chastised against risk
Many fortunes are to be missed
Safely, so safely we lower our aims
And see only the veils of our own petrified illusory reflection.
Zen-“The Tao (way) which can be named is not the eternal Tao”
This vision has no anchor and no silvery chain
The opportunity to never be the same
Rest for a while in my bay
I will safely uncontain
All that’s been heard, all that’s been felt
What is known is this inter-emotional- relating terrain
It was before and after all time
We are its rhythms, We are its rhymes
Look and observe without intent
The relational processes where “you”have” is spent
What is this life and who are you?
What is it this being ? What is there to do?
What is the trance into which “you” have bought?
And how much of absolute authenticity have you sold or taught?
What if I say “NO” to a “YOU”?
What message is this, “I”? What is it that passes through?
To this attempt to be a “you” contained
Afraid of being repeatedly blamed
Am “I “ an “I” too? Which is blaming a “you”?
When this “I” says a “NO” to what you think “you” are and do
Feel that blame, feel it through and through
Let yourself slip into something old and yet new
That worthless pit of good intent
Is really poisoned daggers sent
To harm the beautiful being “you” think “you” really are
Now when “you” are least ready “you” will go far
Back to this moment with clarity beaming
Back to a life full of no meaning
No concepts to hold “you” tight
Nothing to let go of when the time is right
Its not wrong what “you” do its part of unlearning
Just another realization corner, leaf unfurling
Each form gives way to new forms as new figures emerge
This next and this always are on the verge…
So what have “you” unlearnt from this wise old sage?
And what are “you” feeling?”
“ you’re feeling rage!”
“You” didn’t like my NO SELF and “you’re” feeling betrayed?”
From this way and these ways “ I” will all-ways and in no way stray
These ways are what is beyond this face
They are what hold this life in space
This human drive is god given grace.
Without this no life form independently grows
There is nothing to do and there is nowhere to go
There are no miracles, no hard earned joy and no effort driven bliss
There is no who “I” am and there is only what is
Now see these tears as “you” melts in Love’s arms
Feel how division and duality both seems to help and yet harm
Real-eyes see this rage is not “yours”
That “you” were never then, now or before
“You” need not carry “you” just walk this walk
Being this is “you” talking this talk
By not thinking “your” thinking and breeding “you” thoughts
Now you are free and so is “your you”
This is not betrayal, this is soul relief
To see beyond the person to that which resides beyond and beneath
Beyond the mask you thought “you” were
Beyond soft intentions and triviality
This is where “you” and “I” both shatter and meet
Eye to eye, heart to heart and ground under feet
This is where love moves through
This is all, there really is, “you” have nothing to do
Notice respectfully, the bone arches
Through which the human Spirit goes
“I” can not know which way that is
All ways are one way
For any way followed to its extreme becomes its opposition.
Life is flux
Life is impermanent
This is its only permanence.
Life insists on wholism
Nothing is eternally denied.
Truth always becomes untrue,and total.
I see figures emerge through what has been missed
I see form-taking shape through that which is now seen
From the heartfelt paradoxical wisdom and that which lies beyond and between
That which is contained is set free
That which is endlessly free is restrained
And the path is created in the walking.
I eat when I am hungry
And sleep when I am tired
I live whilst I am living
And die when I am dead
Born endlessly in each sunrise
Rest a little longer each night
For I am in all seasons
I am from where all winds are blown.
Heaven or home.
Beyond all aloneness, set in a mystery thus told.
Once Realized
All pleasure is transient
Realize the luminosity of your eternal mind
Beyond the duality of pleasure or pain,
Beyond all difference.
You are all beings
In you all differences are one.
Once realized
Never reborn.
Separation of forms.
Even the notion of your unique death.
All is illusory.
You and I are all one.
Our Prayer
One Spirit alive in all forms,
Named, as if captured, all things sacred and profane.
Blessed are we in the painful bliss of the seemingly scarce abundance of Love.
As we choose our chosen path.
We stand on this earth with balance and clarity.
For the Kingdom of now is immanent and transcendent.
In which all is powerlessly powerful and full of glory.
So be it as it will always be
just as it is...
VJ.Tim Carrette
There are a thousand words unspoken
There are places we barely touch
There is a softening of your gaze
There is this blissful pleasure haze
All of this, we are two
Both intrinsically together and innocent
Separately full of soul knowledge
Dancing light pictures of is-ness
Then I feel the silence
Penetrating closer than all things
Several leagues deeper
Than this trivial truth.
Tim Carrette
Eventually, my eyes will close, before sunrise.
Rarely do lovers’ eyes stay closed until sunrise
Awoken are they! by the sweet melodies of life’s loving scent.
My fingers linger over the soft cascades of your delicate skin
Sleep is a poor bedfellow compared to the intimate heartsong of the lovers embrace.
Within each tiny chasm lie deeper secrets to unfold
Told only by the magnificent glory of all love’s love
Rest with me awhile amidst our merry slumber
Slowly as we enter the gates of the ethereal mystical.
Together we create our mutually unfolding ground
The ground upon which the very being of our souls collide
Gently and slowly, peacefully and ecstatically
Knowing all that there is to be known
About a journey we have yet to know.
Eventually, my eyes will close before sunrise
Then I will know the place from which our hearts do grow.
iam the wood and axe are one
axe splits wood
iam the fire that creates the wood
destroys the wood
creates the ash
that I throw on new earth
one earth birthing new forms
this life comes thru me
Iam a participatory being
This life comes from me
Iam a being being
Doing, what beingness becomes me
Feeling my shove and falter
Life is my sacramental alter
Where are you?
Part of the flow
Means you come and go
Hide and seek
Mystical peaks over the horizon
Something to feast your eyes upon
So how do I find happiness?
Well firstly, that is presuming that a state of only happiness is possible
Is it not?
Well it is if u transcend ego and emotion, duality
That is what we r here todo and what we r doing
But the thing to realise and this is very important
For most of us need really not to focus so much on transcendin the self but knowing and mastering the self b4 it is transcended
So the important task is to know ourselvbes
Not transcend ourselves
Know all of who we r reclaim our whole potential
This reclaimation involves awareness
Ownership of energy
Emotional cognitive somatic/body and spiritual
Until we r in a place of choice
Then we choose where we stand in relation to spirit
R at one with what is happening now no duality
Until we revisted our need to keep reclaimin soul remnants
It is the diminished ecstasy of our creation that all that is becomes being,becomes being becomes is…. All beings are thus becoming in the vastness of their beingness.Being in the vastness of their becomingness.
The Speech, the Spoken, and the Spoken to.
All is Everything
Prison of Dreams
God’s Indoctrinated Empire
The Whole Cosmic Show
Message from a Mermaid
The Royal Chamber of Exaltation
Icicle Sun
Voice of the Earth
Invitation from the Goddess
Oh Sea!
Us Poets
Poems for my Children
Reply to Canon Henry
Seven Stanzas of blank Verse
Meandering Mind
Silver birch
All for the Love of Honey
Parcel of Love
The Valley
Luminous Equilibrium
“The Path is created in the Walking”.
Once Realized.
Our Prayer.
Eventually, our eyes close before sunrise.
Vj.Tim Carrette:
is a Psychotherapist, Poet, Musician
and Writer.
Also trained in Shamanism and Tantra.
He is a currently writing and researching in
Non Duality and Psychotherapy.
He lives in Nottingham , England
with his three children.
Email: timcarrette@ntlworld.com
Website address: www.timcarrettepsychotherapy.co.uk